It does feel like the first day of school- getting back to work after a brief sabbatical that is. It didn’t help that hubby is out of town for work for three full weeks. Biggest issue, I have to iron my own work shirts, all five of them.
So Sunday evening, the basics were taken care of, alarm set and woke up with butterflies.
Seriously. Day 1, I woke up much earlier than I am used to, which was fine. Well sorta anyways. By the time miss V woke up, her breakfast was prepared and on the table, her clothes were laid out and well minus my blazer, I was ready to go!
Yup. And yes, this is still Garima writing, the 'I-am-not-morning-person' Anyways, since V was having her settling in week the week prior, she was all set for her new school. She seemed excited and hugged and kissed me good bye from the door and reminded me 'Pick me up on time, okay?' Perfect. Off to work- No more get in the car drive, but walk to train station and take two trains into work.
Yes. We don’t plan to get a car in London, hell the tubes are so good, why bother with extra expenses right? I get in work, on time and the day went off well.
We met with friends the first evening, so it took the day 1 exhaustion out the window! Perfect. The rest of the week was similar. Of course being invited by friends for a stop by for dinner and tea and fuss-free dinners really helped. I did manage getting up on time, all days, having peaceful drop offs and pick ups and above all getting decent amount of time in evenings with V and having home cooked soul food with her and reading, colouring, playing, the regular stuff
Flipside, unlike Chicago, I don’t have the luxury of less commute. A new normal will have to get defined. I have to add, in ways I was happy that hubby was not around. I got used to being back to work and settling into a new routine independently.
Having said that, I want him back. I want to be able to hit the snooze button in the morning while he tends to V or be able to sleep the full night without worrying about any 'night time accidents' V might have and above all, having him back to share my day and my dinners with. I miss him and as V claims, she misses him more.
Two more weeks left till he returns. Hmm. So yes, week 1 was successful in my eyes. And how do I plan to celebrate? Since it’s a long weekend here in UK, V and I are off to Manchester to meet my cousin and family and yes, get pampered a lot. So how do you cope with transitions, what are your plans for the long weekend, whether its now (UK) or in a weeks’ time (US) or just a simple weekend (Anywhere else)