Spring Break is here! Yay, well let me restate, spring break
for my 9 and 4 year old is here, yay and instead of maniacally looking for
child care and classes, we are using the time wisely and heading to the beach.
So before start our beach bumming and lazing around on the
soft sand under a gentle sea breeze and the sun making us relaxed, here is an
update on the wonderful buddying up and Getting Fitter business.
My buddies are ‘at it’ along with me; we are sharingdelicious yet healthier variations of recipes, tracking our meals in My Fitness
pal and above all are nudging each other to push a little harder in the gym.
And the support helps, it really does!
We are just nudging and not nagging and my husband, Sumit
will be quick to remind me that I am on the 'edge between nudging and nagging'
so back off! :-)
Trust me when I say this: NOT A SINGLE POUND LOST- in 65
days of continuous logging in my meals painstakingly in Fitness Pal and 45 days of waking up at
idiotic 5:30 am on weekdays for my gym class, NOT A SINGLE POUND LOST!
BUT, and this But is important: I am feeling so much
healthier, I can hold a plank for 41 seconds instead of three seconds, I can do
14 continuous push-ups instead of zero and above all, I can carry 2-2 gallons
of milk on my 4th floor walkup unit without crashing on the couch right after!
Yes, my standards of fitness are very basic, I call them
'achievable goals' or 'baby steps' or even 'let me get to this goal and then
move a small step up'.
Trust me, for as long as I remember, I have felt 'unhappy
about my shape or my arms or my flab or my F-A-T or just hating myself after I
chow down that cake' and for right now, just doing something about it is making
me feel happy.
The other day my 9 year old was talking about fitness and
Sumit asked her, who is fit according to her and why: She very casually said:
You and mummy, since you do yoga every day or go to the gym and are happy.
Of course we were gushing and explaining her about the three
pillars of being Fit according to us: Good food, good work out but above all
Mental Peace. With the most emphasis on the last one ‘mental peace’
BUT, my 9 year old's comments made me very happy; she does
not look at me as ‘as I view myself’. She looks at me being F-I-T and being
happy and that itself is the best body image lesson I could ever give her
without even trying to.