Friday, September 2, 2011

Welcome to London 'Mates'

Cultural Awareness
My kid cousins- 10 and 12 year olds brushed me up to be more 'Brit' than 'Indian/American'. They taught me words, phrases, situations which will make me mix in better and not stand out as a sore thumb.
Here is the summary of their pointer's while we were waiting for the RAC (like AAA in States) to tow our broken car (It took RAC four hours to tow from the middle of a big city, but more on that later!)

1. It's a 'Lift' and not an 'Elevator' since it lifts us from one floor to another.
2. You say 'Put rubbish in the bin' as against 'Please trash this'
3. You will often here 'Darling, its tea-time, how about some scones with butter and jam' as against, 'I need my coffee break'
4. It's perfectly normal to use terms of endearment such as 'Darling, Honey' as against 'Sweety, Dear'
5. Teachers will offen say 'You darling trouble makers' or 'Whoops the daisies, what do we have here'
6. No using 'Dude, Guys' please use 'Mates'
7. Instead of 'Thanks' say 'Cheers' even when holds the door for you, say 'Cheers' not 'Thanks'
8. It's not 'Cell Phone' its 'Mobile'
9. It's 'Let's go to a Cinema' as against 'Lets catch a movie/ Lets go for a movie'
10. It's 'Toilet' as against 'Rest Rooms'

 Phew.. and I promise there were many more that they fed me.

But for now let me start practicing the 'top 10 gaffes' as they termed it! Now, You tell me, what were a few of the 'gaffes' you made in a new country!


Gayatri said...

Haha! How fun. I still say cheers, cinema and mobile in the US (drummed in my head since I was in Melbs) ... But I once said lift when I was in a Miami hotel and heard a bunch of teenagers giggle behind me. And ... I always use British terms of endearment! Love how you're unlearning everything!


Lakshmi said...

Cool... I love this "Brit" accent :)