Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Am I ready for this?

Kids are growing up too fast. Case in point.

Miss Chatterbox
  • Miss Chatterbox and her friends talk on the phone, they plan their "Hang out day" at our place. And the unpaid uber drivers parents are informed accordingly
  • Considering I am at work and Hubby is busy with work calls, Miss Chatterbox cooks lunch by herself for the friends and family.
  • In evening, they summon me to join them at Chriskindle market where the friends hang out and us mums were carrying their shopping and well honestly also having a good time looking at their independence!
  • In the night, their "virtual party" continues since they are chatting on "google hangouts" way past their bed time(s)

Little Lady
  • The sassy eye rolls have started already and her claim that "Hairbands are so childish mom."
  • The Harry Potter book series are being read furiously and she is on book 2 and not yet 7 years of age. Can I freeze her in time?
  •  She is claiming that since Didi had her friends "hanging out" she needs her own "play date" sans parents soon.
  • She is "saving chocolates" so she can enjoy them tomorrow. Read delayed gratification instead of right here, right now!

They are ready for this, but Am I ready for this?.

How do I balance letting them soar the skies and having their feet grounded on the floor?
How do I help them balancing the "social media" to the "real people" connection?
How do we as parents continue being the "cool parent" but also being the "rules parent"?

While I ponder on these, the Sassy Sisters are back to a craft project at home making a Thank You card. I guess they are still kids for a little longer.

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