Sunday, March 13, 2011

Balanced Life?

I recently read something along the lines of "I'd rather have a balanced life than prove that I am a Superwoman"

Hmm. I read and re-read. True.
What is balanced life to you?

For me, it’s having a good balance between kid, couple, social and me time. With all that, being on schedule, having warm healthy meals and a 'cleanish' house. May be throw hosting and attending a few parties, social events, giving back and of course holiday's, vacations and being in command of your career. Smile while you do it all. That’s balanced life. Ideally.
Sadly, I only have twenty four hours and I haven’t found the tool or the pill which makes me less cranky with lack of sleep. So sadly, I am a bit further from the 'ideal' balanced life. All right, not even close.

To me... probably having a balanced life equally being a Super Woman, which I am not.
I guess. I am okay being who I am- sometimes having it in control.. and sometimes just curling in the bed and pretending to sleep for five more minutes while hubby tends to get it in control. It’s all good.


UmaS said...

I am what I am and I love being that me, I am a superwoman !!! ;)

Garima said...

@ Uma... wonderful wonderful wonderful!!! Perfect.. thats my new motto!

Teddy with fangs said...

To me a balanced life is an equal proportion of highs and lows - or atleast enough of each so that I continue doing what my heart says is right...
It's never enough what we do - as women - playing each of our roles; as humans - being compassionate to things beyond our inner circles: I've understood this the hard way.